Comedians Can Make a Difference

There is an opportunity for comedians to save a life in the most vulnerable group of users, just by changing their comedic storyline.

Recently, Dr. Jennifer Ashton, ABC News Chief Medical Correspondent spoke on the morning news, about a spike in marijuana use for college age, young adults, the highest use in three decades. In my son’s case, I know street marijuana is not a safe drug. There can be unknown additives to the drug, and by ingesting it, you can not control the high. But kids do not believe there are real dangers because famous comedians glamorize its use. There is an opportunity for comedians to save a life in the most vulnerable group just by changing their comedic storyline.

I did not think smoking a marijuana joint periodically was harmful. I never did it, but I had a suspicion my son did, or at least his friends. The first time I had a suspension was a year before he died. He had just moved into his new apartment. My son and I drove over together so he could show it to me. He opened the door and then quickly closed it, and said, “Just a moment.” Before he completely shut the door, I could see through the door crack, his roommate getting up from the couch. We waited a minute, and then he opened it up again. His roommate was no longer sitting on the couch. I could tell by the smell he had been smoking marijuana, but I shrugged it off, thinking, it was harmless and I wanted to be positive for my son.

Since starting this blog, people have shared with me, either their struggles with mental illness or those of a loved one, who died by suicide. Many include a connection to marijuana use.

They described its purpose as “self-medicating.” One described himself as being a “stoner” for his prolonged use of smoking marijuana, specifically to slow down his mind, that is a symptom of his attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Another said, “It is a brain-altering drug – affecting my thinking, and intensifying anxious feelings.” Also sharing, “The effects of edibles was like tripping.” This commonality got to me, where I thought there is something here to share.

After my son died, I met with his therapist, whom he saw six months prior. He told her he only smoked socially. She questioned if it was prohibiting his executing functioning since he avoided starting things that would move him along in his life, like looking for a job, academics, or dating. My son told his therapist that it did not affect him.

I recently learned he smoked in college with his friends, on the weekends, before going out. They liked the feeling of being high, and his friend told me, for himself, it helped him relax and forget about the stress of school and life. This use seems harmless, except for my son, with ADHD. Marijuana use by someone with ADHD has more adverse effects than someone with no mental illness.

Marijuana use by someone with ADHD has more adverse effects than someone with no mental illness.

My son was diagnosed with ADHD since childhood and was smoking marijuana every day (said to me by one of his friends) during the last year. He had ingested a homemade brownie laced with marijuana, earlier in the day before he took his life. I found out later that baking these brownies with his friends was common. It was meant to be a fun social thing. I found a video on his computer, made a couple of years ago, of him with two of his friends, making marijuana brownies, laughing, and having a good time.

One responder to my blog shared, “With ADHD sometimes your mind feels like it’s going 100 MPH and marijuana slows it way down. Medication does the same, but it is not as enjoyable.”

There is more mental health professions need to do to warn patients taking recreational marijuana, because even though the user may have read about it, it is different when hearing it directly from a trusted medical professional, in an influencing manner. Regardless if the patient says there are only smoking socially, mental illness and street drugs do not mix, and medical professionals need to tell them about the perils.

By making this blanket statement about the ill effects of recreational marijuana, the young, educated adults, who are smart, may challenge me on this. They grew up watching comedians and celebrities that present the marijuana experience as fun and harmless.

There is research results on the effects of marijuana use.

My therapist and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) have been helpful in providing me with research articles on the effects of marijuana use for someone with ADHD.

  • People with ADHD may have trouble with academics, socially, and in normal development.  Marijuana worsens the ability to conduct executive functioning(to organize cognitive processes like planning ahead, prioritizing, stopping and starting activities, shifting from one activity to another and monitoring one’s behavior), (, 2018).
  • Marijuana for some can increase anxiety, including paranoia. Street marijuana is usually stronger than medical marijuana as it may contain other chemicals (, 2018). 
  • Young adults may use marijuana in an attempt to self-medicate, forgoing prescribed medication, due to their negative side effects (DeMaria, 2016).
  • Young adults who do take their prescribed medication to treat ADHD may use marijuana to temper anxiety and insomnia side effects that commonly come with the prescribed medication (DeMaria, 2016).
  • The is a high correlation for those with ADHD to also have other psychiatric disorders such as anxiety or depression, which have links to suicide.  Young adults may use marijuana to self-medicate to reduce the symptoms from the other disorders (DeMaria, 2016). 
  • “Childhood ADHD has a risk factor for subsequent substance abuse problems, which carry significant mortality(risks),” (Soreff, Xiong, 2018). 
  • ADHD is not an isolated psychiatric disorder, according to research, “An estimated 9% of children between ages 3–17 have ADHD. While ADHD is usually diagnosed in childhood, it does not only affect children. An estimated 4% of adults have ADHD” ( 2018).

The Comedic's Storyline of Pot to Solve Problems

My son followed Joe Rogan, who is a comedian.  He has a new Netflix special, Strange Times.  Rogan is funny, covering current topics in a raw fashion, without sensitivity.  He would not be my first choice to watch as I prefer the cleaner comedians like Jerry Seinfeld, which my son also liked.  Rogan talks about “pot” in this new special, as he normally does in his specials.  I visualized the story he was telling, of teenage boys or young adults, being together, smoking. 

“ It is a confusing time for teenage boys.”  I would also add young adults. “Everyone is asking, “What are you going to do for a living, your almost a man?”  Rogan, continues, adding the narrative from the boys’ perceptions, “Adults are chasing material possessions, doing things they hate, stuck in a rut.  You do not want that kind of life.  How do you get out of that?  Stick with your friends, figure it out, unwind, smoke some weed.”  

I can visualize this conversation because my son shared with me how he did not want what my life brought, where I worked hard at a salaried job, many times long hours, with my work just being a job, and not a passion.  He told me, there was more to life than possessions.  He never asked for “the latest” of anything.

Change the perception of recreational marijuana use from “normal” to a cautionary tale, because it does not mix with people who have psychiatric disorders that are linked to suicide.

I bring Rogan into this topic, because celebrities, particularly comedians, have a mechanism to reach the young male audience, to change the perception of recreational marijuana use from “normal” to a cautionary tale, because it does not mix with people who have psychiatric disorders that are linked to suicide. It could make a difference. It could save a life.  

  • Nearly 1 in 25 (10 million) adults in America live with a serious mental illness ( 
  • Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in the world for those aged 15-24 years (
  • Males account for 70% of all suicides (


DeMaria, Peter A. “Cannabis Use Disorders and ADHD: Journal of Addiction Medicine.” LWW, Oxford University Press, Jan. 2016, <>.

NAMI. “ADHD.” NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness, 0AD, viewed on 07, September 2018.  Retrieved from <>.

Rogan, Joe, Director:  Anthony Giordano. “Joe Rogan: Strange Times.” Netflix Official Site, 2 Oct. 2018, <>.

Soreff, Stephen, and Glen Xiong. “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Background, Pathophysiology, Epidemiology.” <MedScape, 17 Sept. 2018,>.

The Understood Team, 2018, Experts Weigh In: Marijuana and ADHD, viewed 7 October 2018.  Retrieved from <>.

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